Program that Converts the Entered Number to Text

Basic Level LabVIEW Applications

Kaynak Dosyaları İndir

LabVIEW functions used in the application;

Numerical Control
Numeric Indicator
Addition Function
Extraction Function
Division Function
Multiplication Function
String Constant 
Case Structure
Less Than Equal Function
To Long Integer Function
Concatenate String function
Round Down Function
Numeric Constant
Purpose of the app; To introduce the above concepts for those who are new to the Labview program.

Screenshot of the application's Front Panel and Block Diagram;

 Program that Converts the Entered Number to Text - Type 2


LabVIEW functions used in the application;

Numerical Control
Numeric Indicator
Addition Function
Extraction Function
Division Function
Multiplication Function
String Constant 
Case Structure
String Indicator
Concatenate String function
To Long Integer Function
Reserve Array
Index Array
Empty String Constant
Purpose of the app; To introduce the above concepts for those who are new to the Labview program.

Screenshot of the application's Front Panel and Block Diagram;